Everyone who has experienced it understands that the rupture of a condom has the potential to interrupt the moment completely. 

Regardless of the intensity of your encounter or the level of your shared adventure, as long as a condom is being utilized correctly, it will not fail. 

Here's how to ensure your condom and the fervor stay intact.

 1. Always check the condom expiration date

If you find yourself in the present situation, and the only condom available is the one you overlooked and left at the rear of your drawer, be certain to verify its expiration date.

We understand that considering this during a passionate moment might be the least appealing, but expiration dates serve a purpose. 

What is the duration of the effectiveness of condoms? Durex products typically maintain their quality for up to 5 years. 

However, once a condom surpasses its expiration date, its efficacy diminishes, increasing the likelihood of breakage.

 2. Store condoms properly

It is advisable to store your condoms in a cool and dry place. If you leave them in a place exposed to direct sunlight, the material becomes vulnerable to potential breakage.

To guarantee their optimal protection, identify a secure spot in your bedroom where you can store your condoms properly and discreetly.

If you carry one in your wallet, avoid keeping it there for extended periods, as the repeated friction from opening and closing the wallet can lead to the degradation of the latex.

 3. Purchasing the right size and type

Like your preferred sneakers, condoms are available in different sizes to enhance comfort. What size suits you best? Examine the front of the box to discover the ideal fit for your needs.

The condom should not be too tight, as this can create friction and strain that might cause tears. If the condom you use doesn't provide comfortable coverage for the entire shaft, consider experimenting with Durex Fetherlite XL Condoms.

Likewise, a condom that's too loose might not be effective as it could slip off. If you're uncertain about your condom size or style, consider experimenting with several different types to determine what provides the most comfort for you.

 4. Unwrapping carelessly

Condom wrappers are designed to protect the condom inside. Opening them forcefully or carelessly can lead to unintentional tearing or damaging of the condom, rendering it ineffective.

Careful unwrapping also helps maintain the condom's integrity and reduces the risk of transferring contaminants. This approach respects consent, ensuring a safe and effective barrier during intimate activities.

 5. Put a condom on correctly 

Putting on the condom correctly plays a crucial role in preventing it from breaking. Take as much time as you need to place it correctly and securely, minimizing friction and the potential for tears.

For proper condom application, begin by pinching the tip using your thumb and forefinger to eliminate trapped air. Then, using your other hand, gently roll it down. 

Ensuring space at the tip is crucial; failure to do so might lead to a balloon-like expansion after ejaculation, increasing the risk of condom rupture.

Are you still confused about whether you’re not doing it right? Here’s a 7-step guide about how to put on a condom.