Dating is a thrilling activity that can lead to delightful experiences and lasting memories. However, If you’re dating regularly, those pricey outings and activities can add up quickly, taking a bite out of your savings. 

But don't worry. Planning enjoyable data doesn’t necessarily have to bankrupt you. There are plenty of ways to spend a fun and romantic date night with your partner in a budget-friendly way. Here are five suggestions if you are dating on a budget! 

1. Get into the culture 

If you are living in or near a major city, you’d likely be surrounded by various cultural activities that can help spark an intellectually appealing connection with your date. 

Going to an art gallery, museum, or exhibition can provide a perfect opportunity to bond with a potential partner, offering a shared experience that serves as a conversation starter for later discussions. The best thing is that most galleries or museums are free or have a small entrance fee.

Looking for something unique? Check out nearby art schools and enroll in drawing classes with your partner for your date. Draw live models and engage in conversation that allows you to compare each other’s creations by the end of the class. 

2. Get into sports

If you and your partner enjoy being active, why not do something that suits both interests? Consider selecting an activity that makes you both feel comfortable and avoids embarrassment. For example, indoor squash, bike riding around the city, and jogging in the park. 

Keep the mood upbeat, make the activity fun, and avoid getting overly competitive. When it's time to wrap up, consider offering a hydrating and nutritious juice. 

If the date has been fun, end it with a soothing shower and intensify the intimacy with Durex's Lubricants for a comfortable, passionate, and sensual evening.

3. Go to the park

Who doesn’t love the park? Whether you are four years old or forty, the excitement and happiness of riding a swing remain the same. Get to know your date as you rock back and forth on your swing.

You can know how much fun they have by how many rides they want to take. Additionally, don’t forget to bring a homemade picnic basket to make the date more enjoyable. Find a nice, private area of grass to enjoy refreshments and conversation to get to know each other better. 

4. Eat early

If you wish to go on a dinner date with your partner and not pay too much for the fancy setting, choose the right time to make your reservations for an early-bird or pre-theatre menu (typically priced quite affordably). 

It is possible to take advantage of various discounted deals and enjoy a delicious and romantic dinner, even if you have to meet your date straight from work. 

5. Create a home cinema 

Seeing a movie together is a great way to spend quality time together and brings you close enough that it could lead to many other things, such as hand-holding and knee-touching. 

Set up a movie night in your house and invite your date over if you are searching for a more personal and significantly less expensive one. 

Just provide your date with a few movie options ahead of time that you can download. They will value your consideration when you allow them to select their favorite movie.