To help you better navigate the world of dating and relationships, you must get to know yourself first. Discover your desires, preferences, and what you seek in a relationship and a partner by going on a journey of self-discovery.

One of the best ways to achieve all that is to indulge in self-dating whenever you have extra time. Here are some of the best self-dating tips for you: 

‘Date yourself’ date night 

A date night doesn’t necessarily have to be an outing. Plan your perfect date night just for yourself. Put on something comfortable, cook a snack, and watch your favorite movie or TV show. That’s it. 

Conclude the perfect evening with personal relaxation courtesy of setting the mood with ambient lighting, the perfect music, and a comfortable atmosphere, whether in the bathtub or your bedroom. In addition, you can also enhance the experience with your preferred Durex lubricant and exit the night on a pleasurable note.

Love yourself first 

Embrace self-love as your guiding principle. Take this time to indulge in hobbies or skills you have wanted to adopt, acquire, or explore for a long time. In addition, focus on doing the tasks you normally do for others, whether it involves preparing your favorite breakfast, adorning your space with fresh flowers, or indulging in some well-deserved self-care.

Explore the joys of DIY

With the luxury of alone time, now is the time to explore your sexual side and rediscover the sensual needs of your body. Whether you experiment with a preferred vibrator or enhance your experiences with lubrication, this journey allows you to discover what truly satisfies you.

Understanding your desires is valuable in effectively communicating your preferences to future partners, ensuring mutual pleasure.

Read more: The Durex Guide to Sex Toys: Vibrator

Art of meditation 

Isolate yourself from all types of technology and enjoy the calmness of solitude. These moments of self-reflection offer a valuable opportunity to quiet your thoughts and contemplate your desires in life. 

It is not about resolving all of life’s unanswered questions but taking a minute to assess your emotional well-being, reflect on past relationships, and chart the course you envision for future ones.

This reflective journey involves recognizing what aspects of previous relationships brought you joy and identifying areas where you seek change in the relationships that lie ahead.

Get to know yourself

Effective communication, including inner talk, is key to a strong, fulfilling relationship. Alone time can offer a real opportunity to explore your desires and sexual preferences and be candid and truthful about your pleasures. 

Embrace a more adventurous approach to self-pleasure by experimenting with various sexual aids and lubricants. This journey of self-discovery can enhance your self-awareness and guide future sexual experiences with partners.