As the crimson wave or that time of the month approaches, increased discomfort during sex is quite common, along with the usual headaches, bloating, and mood swings. 

Hormonal changes are responsible for the slightest of changes in sex drive, and it might be possible that your sex life’s highs and lows are more in line with your cycle than you realize. 

Continue reading our article to learn more about the potential causes and solutions to uncomfortable sex before periods. 

Why sex can be uncomfortable before period?

Leading up to your period, a woman's mind and body have to frequently deal with a variety of intrusions, such as mood swings, headaches, bloating, and several other symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS), sometimes days or weeks before any visible blood.

Just before the period begins, sex can often feel different, even uncomfortable. Many factors can be the root cause of this situation, but considering the pre-period problems, it is understandable why they might not be interested in having sex at all. 

You shouldn’t have to tolerate uncomfortable sex, no matter when of the month it occurs. It is important to see your doctor immediately if you find that having sex is painful or uncomfortable regularly so that they can determine the potential causes. 

Is the discomfort always in the vagina?

Not necessarily. You might experience discomfort in places inside and around your vagina, such as G Spot

In other words, the more relaxed and comfortable your whole body feels, the less likely you are to experience discomfort during sex. Having fun often depends on your ability to handle discomfort, wherever and whenever. 

What you can do about vaginal dryness? 

Female Body Basics 101— The vagina self-lubricates during arousal, and the vaginal moisture can change at different stages in their cycle or sexual activity. However, don’t allow the lack of moisture to ruin your plans for sex if you are drier than usual on some days. You can do a few things to help you stimulate your creative flow. 

For example, expand the foreplay phase, masturbate in front of your partner, use lubricants, and try out sex positions for mutual orgasms, increased intimacy, and performance.  

Is lube helpful for uncomfortable sex before your period?  

Indeed, pleasure gels are more than just lubrications; they reduce friction, making everything a little more slippery and fun. Coupled with the added sensations some pleasure gels can bring (heating, cooling, or tingling), lubrication can ramp up the excitement of sex. 

Look at our ultimate guide for pleasure gels and never be held back by discomfort caused by lack of moisture. 

How does keeping an eye on your cycle help?

Keeping track of your menstrual cycle will help you gear up for any discomfort that may come your way during sex before the period. You'll know to be especially careful and kind to yourself on the days when you're usually more sensitive to discomfort.

How can talking help you?

It is always comforting to discuss with your friends if you have ever felt uncomfortable during sex at any point during your period. You might learn something that worked for them and help you determine why this might happen to you. However, speaking to your doctor if the symptoms are persistent is always good.